Corporate Responsibility
We show responsibility and live sustainably in
BPV Enterprise Group
Our Corporate Responsibility Code
We want to use digitalization for the benefit of people and strengthen the links between them. In the interest of responsible corporate management, we also keep an eye on the impact on people and the environment in all of our business activities. As part of our CR strategy, we firmly anchor sustainability in the company.
Vehicle fleet with e-mobility
As a new pioneering technology, electro-mobility combines technological progress and aspects of environmental and climate protection in a promising way. We take advantage of this opportunity and have therefore equipped a large part of our fleet with electric cars. Both customer appointments and smaller messenger trips can thus be carried out almost CO2 neutrally.
Paperless office
Paper consumption in offices not only means that trees are cut, but also its production requires high CO2 emissions, as well as a high water and energy consumption. We not only sell mobile workplaces, but we also live it. Our mobile workspace helps digitize all paper-based processes and work with purely digital workflows wherever the employee wants it. Printouts, copies and office supplies are therefore reduced to a minimum in BPV Enterprise Group.
Promotion of the VfR Sölde
BPV Enterprise Group not only bears corporate responsibility towards its customers, partners and employees, it also assumes social responsibility. With our commitment, we want to set a sign that corresponds to the tradition and values of the Group. That is why we support the VfR Sölde Verein für Rasensport 1922 e.V.